Top Tips

Task lists get longer and days seem to get shorter. Here are some tips to make the most of your working hours.

01 Write tasks down

02 Prepare to do list the day before: during sleep, you will start dealing with them unconsciously

03 Prioritize three tasks to be the Most Important Task (MIT) when planning your day

04 Closed your email software when concentrating on a task

05 Do one task at the time - stay focus

06 Race against the clock

07 Learn how you work best

08 Find your motivation - see this article

09 Make a NOT to do list: remove some apps from your phone, stop checking some wesites


One of the main GTD principle: write down your tasks.

Stop multi-tasking

I used to be proud of being able to multi-task until I read productivity blogs.

Race against the clock

Set up a time when task needs to be completed by, but don't stress too much about it:

Know yourself

Find out how you work best and plan your tasks accordingly.

Listen to music

Write a draft

When we are at school we learn to:

We should still use these principles when writing an email, a document or brainstorming a task.

Food for thought

Cron Job Starts