Upgrading from previous version or trial version to the latest version

Please note that when a new version of the software is delivered, this means a new package so you need to follow the instructions below. A new version is not delivered through the update modules functionality.

Steps to upgrade:

  1. Delete/un-install previous version or trial version
  2. Purchase a licence or login as a member if you already have a licence
  3. Make a backup of your data file
  4. Login to the website
  5. Download the package(s) corresponding to your platform(s) and language (UK English, American English, Spanish, German and French available)
  6. Install new version
  7. Open data file using File/Open menu option to navigate to the folder where the data file is stored, then select your data file (.trx extension). Data migration of the Delegates is done automatically (if upgrading from v2.2.1)
