Demo of v1.2.3 (old version)
Below are demonstrations of how to use ThinkingRock. The demos for version 2.0 will be done shortly.
How to set up contexts and topicsHow to collect and process your thoughts
How to review and update your actions
How to plan and review your projects
These demonstrations exist to help you to use our application. Please give us your comments and suggestions using the forum or feedback page.
You can download this ThinkingRock data file which was used for the demos. According to one feedback, "it is really helpful to gain an understanding of what is there, how it works, and how things can be setup or organized. With the example you can really understand how good the product is." Once you have downloaded the file, start the application and use the File Open menu option to select the data file.
- These demos were done using v1.2.2. But they have been modified to show the new Overview screen from v1.2.3. A keen observer might notice that there are 2 extra screens icons on the toolbar above the overview screen only;
- The basic output format of the demos is Flash. Flash is viewed in a web browser using the free Macromedia Flash Player which is already installed on most computers or can easily be installed the first time a user tries to watch a flash file. Use the following links for more information about Flash or to download it. It is possible that your browser is set up to block Flash files with a message like 'To help protect your security, your internet browser has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options..', in which case you can manually allow the blocked content.